Ceramic Selection My block selection is primarily determined by desired brilliance for the incisal one-half of the restoration. The cervical one-half can then be controlled by depth of preparation (thickness of ceramic), opacity placement of virtual restoration positioning in the Vitablocs TriLuxe/Forte/RealLife or IPS Empress CAD Multi block relative to block size and stain characterizing. Stump Shade The preparation stump shade plays an intricate part to the final chroma outcome. When applicable to the case, using the dentin optical color shine through will give vitality and depth to the final restoration. I have fabricated my own custom CEREC shade tab. My virtual central restoration was designed for cervical zone at 0.5 mm and body labial thickness at 1.0 mm. Ceramics were milled, using my most often select shades (see photo) and glazed. Using the same virtual proposal for all mills will yield same internal shape so the natural dies can be interchanged for all ceramics. My most common used Shades: Empress CAD A2, A1, B1, BL3 Multi, BL4 e.max A1, B1, BL4 HT General rule for e.max...HT choose one shade brighter and LT one shade darker when compared to Empress counterpart. Remember, ceramic thickness will have a impact on brilliance... More to come on this topic in January.