Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/21/2019 - 10:08pm

As a dental clinician, I am so grateful for digital technology and excited about what the Primescan by Dentsply Sirona will provide in accuracy and ease of imaging. This video documents my very first imaging step to achieve predictable occlusion with our milled restorations and avoiding high occlusion. Register at and become an online Klim Institute member to view our many tutorial videos with our worldwide CEREC community. For the whole team and online CE included.

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Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 05/29/2019 - 1:29pm

Now that I have had the Primescan for a few months, I have a good feel for it and find significant ease in the scanning compared to its CEREC predecessors, sharp margin viewing, and smooth flow of the software process. I am finishing my bread and butter restorative dentistry 12-15 minutes ahead of schedule on the average.  This videos will review my top Primescan assets and how it can impact your clinical theater.

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Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 10/01/2018 - 9:10pm

CEREC 4.6 software at a glance.  Video produced by Densply Sirona.

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Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/06/2017 - 10:27pm

Dr. Klim’s world-famous CEREC online training. With several hundred video tutorials, there is a complete learning package divided into several channels covering a complete range of topics for mastering the Dentsply/Sirona CAD/CAM (CEREC) dental system.


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Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/24/2015 - 8:37pm

With the Bio Jaw introduction in the CEREC 4.4 software, single anterior teeth can now be designed from template choices and then refined using a simple virtual waxing tool. This approach is very efficient in achieving attractive design outcomes for multiple restorations or even a single anterior restoration. Read more