Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/08/2015 - 1:16pm

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/01/2015 - 9:50pm

The secret to great interproximal contacts for indirect restoration dental restorations.Read more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/24/2015 - 8:37pm

With the Bio Jaw introduction in the CEREC 4.4 software, single anterior teeth can now be designed from template choices and then refined using a simple virtual waxing tool. This approach is very efficient in achieving attractive design outcomes for multiple restorations or even a single anterior restoration. Read more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/20/2015 - 4:10pm

When we make a focused effort in the design screen to make each stroke of the mouse count, we will become efficient and before you know it, your design speed will significantly increase.  This tutorial will introduce my three basic design steps I go through to accomplish the design steps in a very efficient time line. Hundreds of more training videos with Dr. James Klim posted at more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 09/21/2015 - 12:32pm

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 08/21/2015 - 8:19am

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 07/31/2015 - 9:14am

Monobond Etch & Prime / Ivoclar Vivadent (August release in USA) will allow you to etch and silanate glass-ceramic surfaces in one easy step. At the same time, the solution cleans away any remaining saliva from the surface.

Advantages:Read more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 07/23/2015 - 2:44pm

This video will introduce the Meisinger Luster Twist Polishers, ideal for polishing the subgingival surfaces of the CEREC e.max abutment. These Meisinger Twist Polishers will be a new addition to the Meisinger James Klim DDS JK03 Lab Kit that has now been out for several years. Thank you Meisinger for being a great partner for incredible shaping discs, diamonds, and polishers. Your products add to the quality of our clinical life.Read more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 03/08/2015 - 5:48pm

Working subgingival in the CEREC clinical restorative theater is nothing new.  I have found that for posterior applications, bur curettage is a very effective method for exposing the subgingival margin for the Omnicam impression.Read more

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 03/01/2015 - 10:21am

Incredible CEREC Ortho Software, game changer for your practice. Dr James Klim is an international speaker and educator on CAD/CAM dentistry and clinical applications.Read more