The Diamond Fibra Wheel by Premier provides efficient polishing for my CEREC e.max restorations as one of the finishing steps. This video will highlight the Diamond Twist application for e.max. CEREC on demand tutorials are available at Read more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 03/31/2013 - 9:13pm
The Diamond Fibra Wheel by Premier provides efficient polishing for my CEREC e.max restorations as one of the finishing steps. This video will highlight the Diamond Twist application for e.max. CEREC on demand tutorials are available at Read more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 03/26/2013 - 10:49pm
This video is the introduction to the Klim CEREC Meisinger Lab Kit (JK03). The combo of shaping diamonds and wheels and diamond polishers are designed for efficient ceramic finishing. This kit is what Dr. James Klim uses in his clinical dental theater and teaching classes. More application videos are available for on-demand viewing at more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 02/19/2013 - 10:04pm
This video is about Parameters Impacting CEREC Occlusion. It is a JOY experience when our restorative occlusal contacts are right on! This video tutorial will review the two primary parameters that impact the occlusal firmness of our CEREC restorative occlusion. For more CEREC online training, become a member at more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 02/07/2013 - 8:26pm
Came across this CEREC aesthetic celebration presentation in my video archives. I can not image what practice life would be without CEREC. Let’s keep raising the bar and changing the world of dentistry!
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 01/31/2013 - 7:30am
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 01/29/2013 - 6:15pm
This tutorial will review the principles behind the CEREC Proximal Contacts Strength Parameter and make a number recommendation. This Parameter is different for the Bluecam and Omnicam systems. CEREC on demand video training with Dr. James Klim is available at more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 01/20/2013 - 10:51am
Assists in color matching CEREC restorations. Use the pre-modeled stump shades and restorations to predict final color. Choose the stump shade, place the different crowns on top and choose the shade that best matches the patients existing color. Link more
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/26/2012 - 11:29pm
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/26/2012 - 7:24pm
Updated Parameter Series recorded in our new studio. Each Parameter is thoroughly investigated and explained along with recommended ranges for both Bluecam and Omnicam. There are a few differences between the two optical capturing systems. Find on demand video links in the CEREC Liftoff Message Center. Videos are located in CEREC Liftoff Chapter 5 at more
Submitted by Anonymous on 12/10/2012 - 1:13pm
The Kunde Family Estate winery is just one of the many neighboring wineries that surround CADStar. This a highlight of the local winery, allowing you to take a quick trip to some of the most famous wineries in the world. Kunde Family EstateRead more