Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 10/20/2019 - 9:30pm

This video documents my very first imaging step to achieve predictable occlusion with our milled restorations and avoiding high occlusion (technique applicable to Omnicam and Primescan users).  As a dental clinician, I am so grateful for digital technology and excited about what the Primescan by Dentsply Sirona will provide in accuracy and ease of imaging.

  • Primescan
  • Taking a predicable bite registration (PDL bite compression bite)
  • Quadrant scanning stategies

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 10/14/2019 - 2:57pm

When do we, as CAD/CAM clinicians, choose a zirconia material over a lithium disilicate material in our clinical theaters?  This CEREC case review video is an overview when making a decision on when to use zirconia and the steps for efficient Primescan Software design.

Materials and applications in this video:

  • ZirCAD Multi
  • ZirCAD LT
  • Zirconia furnace indications (SpeedFire, CS4, Programat S1)
  • Posterior Primescan CEREC software design flow (paralleling design flow for Omnicam most recent software)

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 09/29/2019 - 7:57pm

There are several steps when working through the Acquisition Screen that will assure ideally mounted virtual models and save clinical time through the model and design phase screens.  This video will walk through the steps I use on a routine basis in my clinical theater for managing my Primescan Acquisition phase.  This is the same workflow used for Omnicam last few software versions (4.52 and 4.61).

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 09/22/2019 - 4:22pm

Primescan provides the dream scanning situation for inlays and onlays.  The best we have had yet in the years of CEREC upgrade scanning devices.  There is a caveat about which version of the CEREC software can best handle the two-piece implant restoration in the premolar or anterior zone of the mouth.  In the opinion of Dr. Klim, it is the 4.52 software which means we still need the Omnicam. This case review video will illustrate the planning and implementation to restoring an implant restoration on a non-ideal placed implant and creating the illusion of a smaller mesial-distal tooth using the combo of the Primescn and Omnicam.  To

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 09/16/2019 - 10:13pm

Here is a question I often hear, "how do I deal with e.max binding after crystallization"?  I have seen this issue discussed in several FaceBook group threads.  This video will share my take on this issue and provide a few pointers on how to deal with the e.max binding issue if that is happening in your clinical theater.

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 08/30/2019 - 4:44pm

Just taught a class with one of the attendees who has had the CEREC for several months say he is achieving incredible margin mills as good or better than what he received from his lab.  So how do we achieve milled margins that are smooth without micro-chips, particularly on e.max?  Can we mill feather margins without micro-chipping?  Oh yes, we can!  In this video, Dr. Klim will review the strategy behind milling seamless margins, even thin feather margins with NO CHIPPING.

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 08/25/2019 - 5:13pm

One of my clinical fascinations is technological advances that will streamline procedural flow and proficiency.  Last year, we introduced the LiteTouch Er:YAG laser to the practice, primarily for removing and upgrading e.max veneers. There are many other soft and hard tissues applications this type of laser brings to the clinical theater.  This video is about repairing a margin with caries on an e.max bridge placed over ten years ago. There are many benefits to removing diseased tissue with a Er:YAG laser:  calibrated for selective caries removal, antibacterial activity, debris removal without producing a smear layer, surface

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 08/05/2019 - 6:28pm

This video is Part II for the conservative CEREC restoration(s) and will demonstrate the Primescan software workflow. The Primescan is the latest Dentsply Sirona scanning system and provides the scan ease and required detail that a conservative preparation style and mill requires.  As a result, the software design workflow has been simplified with assured precise fitting restorations.

  • e.max
  • Tetric CAD
  • Onlay restoration
  • Inlay restoration
  • Onlay Parameters provided

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 07/29/2019 - 10:14pm

When is the conservative CEREC restoration indicated in our treatment portfolio and how does the Primescan handle the conservative preparation scan, design, and mill compared to Omnicam and Bluecam?  Unless a crown is being removed for an upgrade, preserving tooth structure with an onlay or inlay can be the optimal way to go.  The first part of this video will review four criteria for a conservative restoration and sets up the case review for Part II, the incredible Primescan for scanning conservative preparation design--the best of both Bluecam and Omnicam is now in the Primescan.

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar Host on 07/07/2019 - 1:30pm

The Incisal Variation tool provides the finishing touch and last tool application right before milling anterior restorations.  I really like this tool!  Understanding the principles behind the primary, secondary, and tertiary labial anatomy will help when applying this tool.  This feature of the software will initiate the primary labial contours.  Let find out how the Incisal Variation tool works!  This video is applicable to 5.0, 4.5, and 4.6 software.