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Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 01/20/2015 - 8:51pm
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/09/2014 - 9:23pm
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/18/2014 - 10:07pm
Current Klim 4.3 SW recommended parameters for Crown, Inlay/Onlay, Veneer, Bridge, Articulation, and Implant applications. View Video
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 08/24/2014 - 9:41pm
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 06/02/2014 - 10:42pm
The digital bite registration is a very predictable record and will produce accurate occlusal contacts in the milled restoration. This tutorial will demonstrate how Dr. Klim effectively accomplishes this task. View video in Chapter 3
Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/24/2012 - 5:15pm