Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/18/2014 - 10:16pm

This software tutorial conveys my method recovering from one of those alien proposals

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 12/09/2014 - 9:23pm

CEREC users now have the option to Mill or Grind.  In addition, new machining algorithms are providing smoother internal mills for both Bluecam and Omnicam users.  With smoother internal machining performance, users will have

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/18/2014 - 10:07pm

Current Klim 4.3 SW recommended parameters for Crown, Inlay/Onlay, Veneer, Bridge, Articulation, and Implant applications. View Video

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/18/2014 - 11:14am


Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 11/09/2014 - 7:11pm


When we make a focused effort in the design screen to make each stroke of the mouse count, we will become efficient and before you know it, your design speed will significantly increase.  This tutorial will introduce my three basic design steps I go through to accomplish the design

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 10/29/2014 - 7:04am


I don’t use the Move Tools often, but when needed they are incredible assets to my design arsenal.  This tutorial will review when best to use the Move Tools and their indications.

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 10/21/2014 - 8:30pm


The Anatomical and Circular Shape Tools take morphological alterations to a new level of simplicity and speed.  This is my favorite tool for aligning cusps, incisal edges, and cervical emergence appeal.  We often do not need to make

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 10/05/2014 - 7:54pm

CEREC 4.3 has really made a significant difference for margin clarity.  In fact, the optical clarity is so good, it has significantly made gingival retraction so simple.  This video will convey my current tissue management technique for the subgingival Omnicam margin digital impression

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 10/04/2014 - 9:50pm

Bonding veneers is simple when using a systematic approach. This video will demonstration my tissue management, etching, adhesive technique, and post cementation cleanup and finishing. View video in Channel 7

Submitted by James Klim DDS, CADStar host on 09/30/2014 - 5:21pm

Working through CEREC quadrant design can be simple when following seamless steps.  This webcast will convey my software sequencing flow to make the process simple and predictable. Video principles applicable to both Bluecam and Omnicam users.